Why VOXR? What makes VOXR unique?
What makes VOXR so unique?
We are often asked how VOXR differs from other tools and what makes VOXR so unique.
The uniqueness of VOXR has many different reasons. We often learn this through customers' feedback from satisfied VOXR users, including many government agencies (where the use of digital tools often has to meet significantly higher security standards).

VOXR is...
VOXR - the company:
VOXR Story: Not just a "Tool", but event success
Legal security: GDPR + NDA
Maximum participation: Accessibility
Naturally: Social and open employer
General information about the tool:
The principle: VOXR ONE
Unique structure
Unique: On every device, but also from every device!
Clear guidance: Focus Control
Openess: For an international audience
Event information with VOXR:
Uniquely fast
Uniquely interactive
Uniquely expandable
Interaction with VOXR:
Practical: VOXR Voting
Clever: Brainstorming with SMARTCloud (at the Munich Patent Office)
Award-winning: Panel Discussion and Speaker Q&A with Smart Q&A
For the one-man show: audience questions with Silent Q&A
Unique: Workshop functions
This is only a selection of VOXR's possibilities. If you miss something, let us know! Maybe it already exists - or it will be built soon!
We would be delighted to work with you to make your event(s) modern, interactive and effective.

... the use of VOXR has more than paid off for us, thank you very much!
We used VOXR at a conference for one of the company's currently most important international programs. We were really surprised by the absolute ease of use, the comprehensive input from almost all our international participants was well above our expectations. The live summary of VOXR allowed us to immediately see the first trends - the way the cloud builds up live is fascinating! From our point of view VOXR is an excellent tool to create attention in the audience and at the same time to gain valuable insights into the thinking of the participants. We also found the deeper analysis and the Excel download very practical - the use of VOXR was more than worth it for us, thank you very much!
Your whole event - one single tool.