VOXR WordCloud live bei Podiumsdiskussion


No more uncontrolled chat fire!

VOXR SMART Q&A replaces "Chat".

Structured. To the point. Stress-free.

Successful VOXR customers (excerpt):

Successful VOXR clients

Would you also like to have really
good, structured discussions in your video conferences?

And this easy? No "chat drumfire"?

Then: turn off the chat!
And discuss in these 3 steps:

  1. 1
    Deliberate rounds of questions instead of continuous fire of questions.
  2. 2
    Filter and cluster questions automatically.
  3. 3
    Immediately see where the majority still has open questions - and answer them specifically!

Replace the "chat question fire" with structured Q&A with AI:


Chat: Question-rattling without overview

"Chat Fire"

VOXR SMART Questions with AI

Endless "call in" of questions.

You control the question times.

No filter of any kind.

Swearword filter (DE, EN, ES, etc.).

No structure at all. No overview.
Moderating is stress.

Automatic topic finding and structuring. Moderate: Easy!

Zero transparency.
Why was which question selected?
No confidence building.

Presentable topic structure - so everyone can see what the main topics were. High confidence building.

Questions "somewhere" in the long list.

Questions can be found automatically and quickly under topics.

Data goes to the video hosting provider, with server in ...?

Data on German servers - can be deleted by you at any time.

SMART Questions

VOXR: AI filters, structures, visualizes question topics. Individual questions can then be selected via the topics.

Case study: District administration Reutlingen Townhall

  • The County Commissioner wanted o inform employees interactively and transparently - and most importantly, know, where the shoe still pinches!
  • VOXR SMART Q&A was ordered one the day before (!).
  • It was available in minutes so that the team could arrange everything calmly.
  • VOXR does not need any topic setting or something like that. It works out-of-the-box. See video:

... it's that easy for speakers online:

  • Structured question retrieval. Ask the participants to enter their question "in the next minute" (instead of chatting all the time).
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) checks all questions live in real time, filters SPAM and sorts. It shows the most frequent topics live in a preview (which you can show via screen sharing in the conference).
  • Now simply select a topic first from the word cloud, to which you want to reply (or have answered) und then select that question which will be answered.
  • In this way it goes on as long as you want and on the topics you choose. The most stress-free and transparent Q&A you ever had!
SMART Questions

Input - Topics - Concrete questions

... and just as stress-free is it for the
VOXR operator in the background (or self-service!)

  • You open and close Q&A with one click each. Defined question time instead of continuous chat.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) filters swear words and clusteres the rest automatically as list of the most common topics (see picture).
  • Question selection: Just follow the moderation! The moderator addresses a topic. You click it. The moderator asks you to ask a question about the topic. You click on a question below the topic and it will be shown on the screen. It couldn't be easier!
  • Infinitely much easier than chat scroll - you can even manage it by yourself!
SMART Q&A Control Panel

From topic to question: Click large to see the entire control panel.

Encance your next webinar or online conference.
Try it our right her:

VOXR SMART Q&A for the web.
Your most frequent questions:

Why not just get questions "just like that" - without AI? E.g. via chat?

How do you integrate the tool into Zoom, WebEx, GotoMeeting, etc.?

"Can" AI do that? We often have technical subjects...

Couldn't you also "upvote questions"?

But then nobody can "shout anything in"

VOXR SMART Q&A has inspired many events:

Recommended for Breakouts and to counter Company politics.

We have used VOXR repeatedly for our quarterly top level management meeting, and love the speed by which it makes everyone's thoughts visible in a simple yet comprehensive way. We use VOXR for quick plenum opinion polls and brainstorming departmental topics and goals. We find that VOXR's anonymous approach makes it easy for people to open up and contribute to the process. Our department leaders value the ease of use as well as the interactive and involving nature of the tool, which often gives them concrete insights and ideas to build upon. We happily recommend it to anyone, who would like to involve their audiences, in a simple and effective manner.

Travis Witteveen

500 questions collected in one minute

We used VOXR live in a global change process with 750 participants, of whom about 500 also entered questions. VOXR immediately clustered the topics live so that we could ask our experts directly about the most frequently requested topics. The anonymity of VOXR has also shown the frequency of questions that are really important, which actually has promoted the process. The simplicity of VOXR convinced us and has already led to inquiries from external and internal partners in our company. In any case, we will continue to work with it.

Michaela Bühler
Head of Strategy Realization Office

... so it was obviously a big success!

I asked myself beforehand whether VOXR was really that simple. But the VOXR team was able to clear up all my worries step by step, and after the test run my insecurity was completely removed. Today I know: VOXR is not only simple, but the operation in the event is even fun. The audience was also enthusiastic: VOXR has shaken people awake, attracted attention and the audience simply felt serious and noticed. Suddenly the event was more lively. In addition, there was also a new valuable topic of conversation that we would not have had without VOXR. In the end, enthusiastic colleagues of ours wanted to know how to get the tool, so it was obviously a great success!

Hannah Schmitz
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

The cloud displays are particularly well received

The cloud displays, in which multiple answers are represented by a larger font size, are particularly well received. The software is easy to trade and the VOXR team offers fast support if you have any questions. We will certainly continue to use VOXR at one or two events in the future.

Nicole Barth
Marketing manager

Thanks for the great tool!

We have used VOXR in different ways for our continuing education event. On the one hand, we asked questions about expectations, which were then reflected in the cloud typical of VOXR. On the other hand, we also used VOXR for moderated commenting on lectures. The audience accepted the tool very easily and gladly, and even missed it when we didn't use it once. Our speakers found VOXR an enrichment, as they were able to respond directly to the comments of the participants. We were impressed by the simplicity for the audience as well as by the closeness that resulted from the use of this feedback technique between the podium and the guests. - Thanks for the great tool!

Katrin Boege
Moderator, Federal Association of Accident Insurances

Out of 100 participants 60 questions!

To be honest, we weren't sure if our participants would accept VOXR - but the event convinced us as well as the audience completely. In the question and answer session alone, we received 60 questions from 100 participants this time, which was great, where otherwise many questions rarely come. The co-moderation function, i.e. selecting individual questions, is extremely helpful and just as easy as the entire use of VOXR.

Simone Böpple
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Development Biopharma

Try it out right away:

VOXR: the leading remote Q&A tool

None app.
No download. Simply online.

​data protection  from  Germany,
incl. ​GDPR

Innovation leader:
​Repeatedly award-winning
in D, CH and UK.


Own branding: Everything with your CI, your logo and in your colours.

VOXR: Multiple awards

Gründerwettbewerb Hannover Region
Breakthrough Award 2017
Fresh Award
Launchpad Event Tech Live

Start here and enhance your next webinar or online conference:
