VOXR Questions
Let your audience ask questions!
With three innovative methods for Q&A - for every context!

You may know this...
A moderator goes into the audience with the microphone...
and hopes that questions from the audience will be asked. But if there are any questions at all, then usually only a few, mostly from the "chatterboxes" and the "silent ones" do not dare to ask.
VOXR solves this problem. Guaranteed.
With exactly THE kind of Q&A that suits the respective event.
Audience questions with VOXR - three options:
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Questions to the speaker
VOXR SILENT Q&A. Simple. Clear. And above all: Extremely easy to manage!
- Have questions entered during the presentation.
- View and preselect questions.
- "Send" these to the moderator on his mobile phone.
- Moderator selects from the questions - simple!
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Panel discussions FINALLY entertaining and multi-valued!
VOXR SMART Questions is the ingenious solution for panel discussions:
You collect QUESTIONS (i.e. really whole sentences, no topics). The SMART algorithm clusters and filters and shows the top TOPICS (but no potentially dangerous questions).
With the knowledge of the audience focus you can now select "safe" QUESTIONS. And show - brilliant!

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Let the audience decide upon the questions: Upvoting and Liking
With VOXR Voted Questions you not only get questions, you also return questions to the participants' mobile phones. This allows all participants to "like" questions from other participants.
The upvoting of questions is especially suitable if you want "gamification".
Audience questions with VOXR - feedback from our customers:
VOXR - awared winning at:

Your whole event - one single tool.
Including audience questions the smart way!