VOXR Smartfeedback
Special Use: VOXR SmartFeedback
Smart event feedback without time-consuming evaluations

No more need for complicated and tedious feedback forms?
With VOXR Smartfeedback, you receive high-quality conference or meeting feedback within two minutes and directly in the event.
And all this without feedback sheets and time-consuming evaluation.
Getting event feedback can be so easy:

No more long days with evaluation!
Qualitative feedback
Your participants tell you what they liked and what they didn't.
Get qualitative feedback with the VOXR SMARTCloud.
With the VOXR SmartFeedback method, you get qualitative event feedback faster and easier than ever before. With only exactly 2 questions!
Qualitative feedback with the VOXR SMARTCloud
This is how VOXR SmartFeedback works with the SMARTCloud:
The answers to the two questions are automatically filtered with the VOXR SMARTCloud, grouped by topic and clustered.
You can see the evaluated feedback of your participants (clustered by topics) per question at a glance!
You do not have to show the feedback cloud to the audience. This is - like a feedback sheet - only for you.
And to see exactly what has been entered on the individual topics of the cloud, simply look at the individual entries in your VOXR Control View.
Voilá. Here is your conference and meeting feedback, instantly usable, the perfect feedback sheet replacement.

A real example from an event:
A customer actually went to the caterer immediately after the event because the second question ("What would you change?") in the SMARTCloud showed very big "food" and she could renegotiate with the caterer on the basis of the direct feedback.
This would have been impossible with the classic feedback sheet - then she wouldn't even have heard about it for 6 weeks - when the bill had been paid long ago.
Quantitative feedback
Your participants vote on the event.
Additional quantitative feedback required?
That's what you do with VOXR Voting.
Of course, in addition to qualitative SmartFeedback with VOXR SMARTCloud, you can also ask other classic quantitative questions about event feedback.
Quantitative feedback with VOXR Voting
This is how VOXR SmartFeedback works with voting:
Here also the event feedback is automatically evaluated for you immediately and you can use it much faster than with the classic feedback sheet.

Are you tired of the tedious evaluation of feedback forms?
Let VOXR do it for you!
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