VOXR Sessions

​VOXR Sessions (+ Groups!)
Use VOXR ​in workshops. ​

If you divide the group - and also want to use VOXR in subgroups: No problem!​

It's a classic problem:

The ​​whole audience is divided into breakout sessions / workshops / working groups. VOXR offers two solutions for typical ​use cases.

​A typical workshop:


​Use case 1: VOXR Sessions - ​use VOXR in different workshops independently​

You want to voxr within the workshops ​separately from the other workshops.

This can be done with ​separate VOXRs for the subrooms. These are already included in ​every pricing package - let us know, we will activate the sessions for you!

​Sie können die VOXR auch selbst verwalten, allerdings müssen Sie am Ende ja dennoch unabhängig voneinander in unterschiedlichen Räumen betrieben werden, daher empfiehlt es sich, die Trennung schon frühzeitig im Projekt zu vollziehen.

So schön die Funktion "Sessions" klingt, birgt sie aber auch einen kleinen...  

You can set up the workshops like real small events of their own.
This means that you simply delegate the preparations completely to the workshop leader there (or, for larger congresses or the like, you install a "room manager").

You can also manage the VOXRs yourself, but at the end of the day you will still have to work independently in different rooms, so it is advisable to separate them early on in the project.

As nice as the "Sessions" function sounds, it also contains a small...

VOXR Sessions:
​​use VOXR in every room independently

VOXR sessions - multiple VOXRs

You MUST also regard the rooms as own events.
If you want to be independently interactive in the rooms​, you logically also need independent operators for the VOXRs (these can also be ​facilitators of the rooms, but you need several if you have several rooms). Logically, you also need your own ​technology for ​showing the results, which in turn means: ​a computer on the network, etc. in each room. Everything you set up for the main room.

​Since workshops are often ​short (45min) and the main interest often is the summary, and not so much individual results from the workshops, VOXR has an exciting (and unique!) alternative in the ​range:

​Use case 2: VOXR Groups - ​Summarise the results of the workshops ​in one place

​Unique: not only can you make independent SESSIONS with VOXR, but you can also make the workshops extremely interactive from one single central VOXR - and even more: With the GROUPS function, you can ​summarise workshops more easily than ever before.

​​And this is how it works:

  • At the end of the separated time, simply collect feedback per group (via mobile phone, only 1 minute: "Please enter your most important lesson from the last x minutes").
  • Participants are automatically asked, without need for explanation, which group or what station they were / are in.
  • The Inputs now flow from the separate workshops into the conference VOXR.
  • When meeting together again, you can show one cloud per workshop and thus see at a glance the top topics discussed in each workshop.
  • In recognition of the intensive work of the audience as a whole, a cumulative TOTAL cloud from all breakout sessions can also be shown.

​All participants will be ask at the end:

VOXR in Workshop-Gruppen nutzen

​VOXR segments the answers automatically:

VOXR Groups

​Results can be shown per group or everyone together:

​group result

​summarised result

Your advantages:
1. VOXR GROUPS does not require separate sessions.
And thus without training and queries to you from further operators or technicians or moderators!​

2. At the end of the workshops you will have an ideal opportunity to ​evaluate the ​​results (what ​did the participants learn?), save the results and visualize them for the plenum (no more ​moving around metaplan boards!).

VOXR Groups:
​just 1 VOXR, ​technician and operator needed!

VOXR Groups - just one VOXR

​Why other business professionals love VOXR Groups:

Recommended for Breakouts and to counter Company politics.

We have used VOXR repeatedly for our quarterly top level management meeting, and love the speed by which it makes everyone's thoughts visible in a simple yet comprehensive way. We use VOXR for quick plenum opinion polls and brainstorming departmental topics and goals. We find that VOXR's anonymous approach makes it easy for people to open up and contribute to the process. Our department leaders value the ease of use as well as the interactive and involving nature of the tool, which often gives them concrete insights and ideas to build upon. We happily recommend it to anyone, who would like to involve their audiences, in a simple and effective manner.

Travis Witteveen CEO

Without the classic sliding of walls...

"We used VOXR Groups for our European project and were able to summarize the results of the workshops more easily than ever before thanks to "Groups". Without the classic sliding of walls, we were able to show in the plenum what had happened in each group and thus make the process simpler, faster and more visual. The participants were thrilled - a very practical invention".

Volker Staudt School director

... we hope to work again with you in the future.

We used VOXR for an important internal company meeting in which we wanted to bring different departments even closer together. VOXR was very helpful during the course of the meeting, we used it 4 different times for different purposes and that worked very well. We were particularly impressed with how simple and fast VOXR could collect summaries from working groups via its Groups-function during workshops. Our audience was very pleased with this new way of showing the results, which gave us plenty of topics for discussion, plus we were able to distribute the results as excel spreadsheets afterwards for further analysis. Many thanks for your support on this process, we hope to work again with you in the future.

Reinaldo J. Landaeta A. Head of Supply Network Ops LATAM Biopharma

What if it gets international?

Use GROUPS together with BABEL and let the workshop participants enter their ​learnings in native language!

Collect the workshop results of the participants in their native language.
They will be translated automatically and in real time!

The workshop results will be collected with VOXR GROUPS in the VOXR SMARTCloud. This is our unique multilingual WordCloud
The input of the participants is immediately translated live with VOXR BABEL and integrated by the SMART algorithm!

Unique, especially for mixed audiences, because the call "Please give your input in english" is not followed by 20% - the cloud would be so bilingual (e.g. German and English) - however with VOXR SMARTCloud and the addon VOXR BABEL your cloud, event and you look good!

Your whole event - one single tool.
