VOXR FastVote

Votings with VOXR
​​​​Smart event interaction with ​GDPR. Fast, flexible, secure.

Voting on the Digital Summit 2017

Voting ​with VOXR ​at the Digital Summit 2017 with the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel

  • check
    ​Online. ​NO download.
  • ​100% ​GDPR.
  • ​100% practical.
  • ​100% easy.
  • 100% event safe.
  • ​ ... can be perfectly combined with SMARTCloud, audience questions and the event app VOXR Info-Guide.
Successful VOXR clients

​VOXR voting was specially developed for voting in business meetings and conferences. 

​The following applies to all interactions:
You CAN create them in advance, but you don't have to.
You can also react spontaneously at any time during the event. Every interaction is created with just a few clicks, there is no fixed sequence.

​Always WITHOUT download, can be used on any device

VOXR is an online tool. NO download for your participants, no download for you. VOXR can be set up and operated on any device (including your smartphone!). Participants can participate from any internet-enabled smartphone or tablet.

No Download
Classic Voting with predefined answers

​Fast and clear: Votings with given answers

Polls and votings with predefined answers can be prepared with just a few clicks. You define the answers from which the participants can choose and vote.

Fast and flexible: Votings with free text entries

​Sometimes you want to know in a flash what the participants think - but the question is not "programmed".

Other tools always ​require a predefined question. Not so VOXR: You simply say: "Please enter Rom, Berlin or London".

You get the voting results as a wordcloud, which shows the ranking of the answers as differently big topics. Or show the results as a pie- or bar chart. As you like.

Voting with free text entry
results as bar or pie chart

​​​Pie or bar: Display ​voting results as needed

​How you want to display the results - as bar or pie chart, you can decide on the stage and also change. You can always react the way it suits your event.

Work with different topics in seperate rooms

With VOXR Sessions you can split into groups - and continue to be interactive!

In each room you can use VOXR in independently.

multiple rooms
ask segments

Ask different segments!

Does one location think differently than another? Women different from men? The headquarters different from the satellite locations?

With VOXR GROUPS you can have any VOXR action automatically segmented. ​And so get completely new insights!

And all this without separate sessions - and thus without training further technicians or moderators!

Let VOXR evaluate the event feedback for you

Use VOXR SmartFeedback for your event feedback: fast, easy, smart. Without feedback forms and time-consuming evaluation. Smart feedback is possible with VOXR FastVote or SMARTCloud.


Reveal your winners "Oscar-like"

Make award ceremonies and project votes to small highlights in the event...

Reveal bit by bit, e.g.
Place 3... CLICK! Applause!
Place 2...,CLICK! Applause!
Seat 1... CLICK! Big applause!

Appreciation for winners - but no losers!

​Unique flexibility 

​FastVote is the only tool (as far as we know) that can simply leave defined question sequences! New votes are created in a few seconds.

Important in stressful business events:

You can go back and forth, jump, delete and change the plan at any time. The audience doesn't notice anything about it. You stay cool and professional.

Focus the attention and participation of your guests

Control what guests can see and do on their phone with just one click. Swich guests' mobiles between interaction and event app. Control when which interaction is open and for how long.

Show results only when you want to and how you want to

With VOXR you always have full control over what appears on the screen:

​Show any results - or not! Start and stop the result display with one click. Choose between bar chart and pie chart (for voting). Choose between overall results versus segment results (VOXR GROUPS), show only a single question - or nothing at all. Edit the results before making them "go live".

Reduce the uncertainty of your guests with 100% anonymity 

Anonymity increases participation exponentially! Your guests are 100% safe and anonymous with every VOXR interaction. All inputs and votes are anonymous, we never ask for names, not even IP addresses are logged. 

Use the anonymous data!

See how many guests took part in the individual actions.

Download all results as Excel files and as graphics.

Especially due to VOXR's own high participation and the anonymity at VOXR, you will receive extremely valuable feedback for the follow-up to the event.

... and of course everything in your own branding!

Show your own logo, design buttons and result display in your own colours, also with corporate font on request. Choose your own style: boxed or rounded, with or without icons. Set everything up with just a few clicks.

Always there: Professional Event Support

We understand VOXR not only as a "tool".

We want to significantly improve your event. Ask us whatever you want - we will answer your questions: +49 511 169 4231 or +44 207 866 2142!

And optionally we also take over the control of the tool - and provide moderators.

​​Impressions from live-events with VOXR ​Votings:

​Quelle: DWA

The VOXR interaction in an event is that simple:

Click to enlarge

  1. 1
    Select the desired action.
  2. 2
    Unlock action.
  3. 3
    Display results.

Your participants can take part so easily:

Enter the VOXR participants link.

... and (Inter-) Action!

No session code! No pin! Without Download! Without App!
Also successfully tested with "older participants"!

​Security and privacy


All VOXR-Interactions are 100 % GDPR compliant.
Exclusive to VOXR:
We do not even store the IP address of your participants.


The VOXR tool is completely hosted on our own servers. We do not transmit event data to anyone and have no 3rd party involved.


Everything is optionally able to be protected. A password for you control panel and the results screen and/or for the users of the info-guide.


Upon request, all security-relevant aspects can be contractually guaranteed in a non-disclosure agreement.


Volkswagen Group Fleet International

We learned about VOXR's capabilities as part of our yearly volume car dealer congress. The tool enabled us to visualize the outcomes of our three different workshops in a very nifty and concise way, which received numerous specific positive mentions in our after-show feedback questionnaire. VOXR also enabled us to transfer the workshop outcomes in a very clear and visual way around the organization. Having made this experience we have already decided to use VOXR in a forthcoming training series too and are looking forward to the feedback to this new way of interaction in this series as well!

​But that's not all.

VOXR can not only votings, but also ​audience questions!
And event app (also WITHOUT download)!

Questions to the speaker 

VOXR SILENT Q&A. Simple. Clear. And above all: Extremely easy to manage!

  1. Have questions entered during the presentation.
  2. View and preselect questions.
  3. "Send" these to the moderator on his mobile phone.
  4. Moderator selects from the questions - simple!
classic audience questions

Let the audience decide upon the questions: Upvoting and Like

With VOXR Voted Questions you not only gather questions, you also return questions to the participants' mobile phones. This allows all participants to "like" questions from other participants.
Upvoting of questions is especially suitable if you want "gamification".

Panel discussions FINALLY entertaining and multi-valued!

VOXR SMART Questions is the ingenious solution for panel discussions:

You collect QUESTIONS (i.e. really whole sentences, no topics). The SMART algorithm clusters and filters and shows the top TOPICS (but no potentially dangerous questions).

With the knowledge of the audience focus you can now select "safe" QUESTIONS. And show - brilliant!

Innovative audience questions
Intelligent Wordclouds

Secure Brainstorms with the

VOXR SMARTCloud solves the classic problem of Event-WordClouds:

How do you prevent unwanted things from happening on the wall? E.g. "The CEO should finally step down".

The VOXR SMART cloud can do just that (and much more) - see how:

Event app without download!

VOXR Info-Guide is the fastest event app on the market. Your digital conference folder. Without printing. And without "App" and Appstore. Simply online. Agenda, speaker info, maps and more.
Ready with SMART Design in 6 min in your CI.

Event-App without Download: VOXR Info-Guide

VOXR - ​the solution that business professionals love:


... the immediate results as a theme cloud was extremely helpful.

We used VOXR as a supporting tool for our yearly Bayer Safety Day which adresses saftety at the workplace. We simultaneously pulled inputs from two sites. This parallel input along with the immediate results as a theme cloud was extremely helpful. VOXR motivated our workforce to give input and feedback. As a result, through VOXR we received many really interesting ideas and thoughts for further use in our work!

Bernd Kontenak , Bayer, Occupational & Environment Protection

... an added value and impressed all members...

Tim Schlüter facilitated our Sales-Workshop comprising of participants from the three different language regions of Switzerland. We particularly enjoyed his professionalism from A to Z and his sociability. The webtool VOXR which Tim brought with him, was an added value and impressed all members including the management. Our French speaking guest were integrated in their own language (French) which for us as a multi-lingual company was a key factor for the choice of the host. I can really recommend Tim Schlüter and his company and would book him at any other time.

Dominique Grecchi , Head of IT Infrastructure

Out of 100 participants 60 questions!

To be honest, we weren't sure if our participants would accept VOXR - but the event convinced us as well as the audience completely. In the question and answer session alone, we received 60 questions from 100 participants this time, which was great, where otherwise many questions rarely come. The co-moderation function, i.e. selecting individual questions, is extremely helpful and just as easy as the entire use of VOXR.

Simone Böpple , Chemical & Pharmaceutical Development Biopharma

The use of Cloud Q&A has really paid off.

The VOXR WordCloud Algorithm is really fascinating.

The VOXR way of making visible instantly and at a glance what kind of input the audience is looking for in any given moment, is a true innovation.

It certainly helps me as the speaker to easily tune in to my listeners' interestes, thus being more effective.

Using VOXR is an absolutely worthwile investment.

Rolf Schumann , CTO EMEA

Check it out!

Even without instruction, I was able to configure the Compass quickly and easily and offer my colleagues a great new component of the tool. We added the agenda, the transport connections, a little thank you and a note about an event. With this we had a super structure for the run-up as well as during the event and this automatically upgrades the event. I can recommend VOXR and its complete package to everyone!

Hendrik Edeler , Project leader

Your whole event - one single tool.
​Make your votings smart!
