VOXR | Tool

"VOXR is Champions League!"

From voting to feedback:

In every situation

​the right ​tool at hand.

Successful VOXR customers (excerpt):

Successful VOXR clients

VOXR unites everything that modern meetings need,

at a single Online link:

All INFO on ​mobile phones


VOTINGS and Ratings


Info guide: All information simply on the mobile phones!
  • No more cardboard conference folder
  • No more paper agenda, no more flyers, nothing!
  • ... and also: no more long preliminary emails! (Instead just a VOXR link in the last mail!)


  • Freely configurable, clear information, digital and mobile.
  • Created in 20min simply everything via Copy/Paste
  • Special templates for cards, speakers, etc. already ready!
Votings: Fast, simple, clear
  • For ​brain openers (before presentations), estimation questions, classification votings, feedback and much more.
  • Single voting or multiple selection.
  • Ratings: 1-6, 1-10, good-medium-bad, etc., pp
  • Awards: Voting like in Hollywood: only reveal the winner or winners - no losers and lots of excitement.
  • Segmentation (did ​London voters vote differently than ​voters from ​Liverpool?)
Vote DWA

VOXR Voting Tool (Source: DWA)

Brainstorm with KI: The secure VOXR SMARTCloud
  • For brainstorming, expectation queries, ​brain opener​ result saving, feedback - or just: wow!
  • The only Event Word Cloud that no "bullshit" on the wall brings.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) for safety and best cloud quality.
  • Live translation of entries from 137 languages possible.
  • Unique technology, internationally award-winning.

​video is in german, but you get a glance...

Silence (or "voted") Questions to Speaker stop ​chatterboxes

Collect questions - also translated live

  • No more ​chatterboxes or embarrassing silence.
  • Collect questions from participants during presentations.
  • Easy to collect Silent Questions or with the possibility to Liken ("up-voting") with Voted Questions.
  • ​Auto ​topic finder helps sorting.
  • Live translation of inputs from 137 languages possible.
Additionally: Award winning SMART Q&A thrilled with
Panel discussions and Works meetings 
  • Internationally award-winning audience-questions-method especially for panel discussions or "Ask your CEO"etc.
  • AI finds the top​topics in all ​inputs. Question selection becomes extremely easy.
  • Highest appreciation for participants "My Subject was also shown" (even if it was not answered)
  • Live translation of entries from 137 languages possible.
  • Details under VOXR SMART Questions.
​Interaction in Workshops - separately, but under only one link!
VOXR auch in Workshops

​event managers  use VOXR in Berlin

  • Also in Interactive workshops - independent and autonomous.
  • Participants do not need a new session code or similar.
  • Participants change the room by clicking in the tool.
  • Interaction so also with workshops with more than 10 participants problem-free and digitally elegant.
From workshops Collect results for the plenary.
Voting for Segments

Event Manager voxrn in Berlin

  • Summarize Workshop-Learnings digitally: "What did you take away from your workshop?"
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) automatically summarizes topics sorted by workshop: At a glance: What was going on in every workshop!
  • Show the entire learning or zoom into individual workshops Pinboard pushing Adé!
  • Documentation Send single messages and/or word clouds to workshop leaders, next day, everything is ready!
Not sure how Q&A, voting and meeting info fits for YOUR event?

Let us advise you. Free of charge.
More? VOXR also makes new conference formats easy:

Co-planning (without "Make a wish")

Marketplace / Gallery

Project / Start-up Pitching

World-Café without poster salad

Bar Camp / Live Topic Planning

Audience Awards - Winners Only!

... and always all functional areas under ONE link.
Online. Without download.

All INFO on ​mobile phones


VOTINGS and Ratings


Design: Your event success at the centre:

Simplicity: The No. 1 design principle

Focus: The VOXR Focus Design

Flexibility: Branding in your CI, colour tone, logo

Speed and safety: design follows function

Safety for function and data

Functional safety + handling

Data security + data protection

There you go: With only 4 buttons your meeting becomes modern!

VOXR Interaction is 100% online. No download, no "Session Code", no registration. Just a simple link for the participants.

Also the Control is 100% online - They call you from your phone, tablet or desktop.

And with four simple buttons (see picture) you have everything clearly under control at all times!

VOXR: Leading for business events. For five years.


None app.
No download. Simply online.

​data protection  from  Germany,
incl. ​GDPR

Innovation leader:
​Repeatedly award-winning
in D, CH and UK.


Own branding: Everything with your CI, your logo and in your colours.

Feedback - that's what others say:

500 questions collected in one minute

We used VOXR live in a global change process with 750 participants, of whom about 500 also entered questions. VOXR immediately clustered the topics live so that we could ask our experts directly about the most frequently requested topics. The anonymity of VOXR has also shown the frequency of questions that are really important, which actually has promoted the process. The simplicity of VOXR convinced us and has already led to inquiries from external and internal partners in our company. In any case, we will continue to work with it.

Michaela Bühler
Head of Strategy Realization Office

Check it out!

Even without instruction, I was able to configure the Compass quickly and easily and offer my colleagues a great new component of the tool. We added the agenda, the transport connections, a little thank you and a note about an event. With this we had a super structure for the run-up as well as during the event and this automatically upgrades the event. I can recommend VOXR and its complete package to everyone!

Hendrik Edeler
Project leader

... the immediate results as a theme cloud was extremely helpful.

We used VOXR as a supporting tool for our yearly Bayer Safety Day which adresses saftety at the workplace. We simultaneously pulled inputs from two sites. This parallel input along with the immediate results as a theme cloud was extremely helpful. VOXR motivated our workforce to give input and feedback. As a result, through VOXR we received many really interesting ideas and thoughts for further use in our work!

Bernd Kontenak
Bayer, Occupational & Environment Protection

Out of 100 participants 60 questions!

To be honest, we weren't sure if our participants would accept VOXR - but the event convinced us as well as the audience completely. In the question and answer session alone, we received 60 questions from 100 participants this time, which was great, where otherwise many questions rarely come. The co-moderation function, i.e. selecting individual questions, is extremely helpful and just as easy as the entire use of VOXR.

Simone Böpple
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Development Biopharma

The use of Cloud Q&A has really paid off.

The VOXR WordCloud Algorithm is really fascinating.

The VOXR way of making visible instantly and at a glance what kind of input the audience is looking for in any given moment, is a true innovation.

It certainly helps me as the speaker to easily tune in to my listeners' interestes, thus being more effective.

Using VOXR is an absolutely worthwile investment.

Rolf Schumann

Volkswagen Group Fleet International

We learned about VOXR's capabilities as part of our yearly volume car dealer congress. The tool enabled us to visualize the outcomes of our three different workshops in a very nifty and concise way, which received numerous specific positive mentions in our after-show feedback questionnaire. VOXR also enabled us to transfer the workshop outcomes in a very clear and visual way around the organization. Having made this experience we have already decided to use VOXR in a forthcoming training series too and are looking forward to the feedback to this new way of interaction in this series as well!

​VOXR - awared winning at:

Gründerwettbewerb Hannover Region
Breakthrough Award 2017
Fresh Award
Launchpad Event Tech Live

Clarity, focus and participation: Start here!
