VOXR | Tool
"VOXR is Champions League!"
From voting to feedback:
In every situation
the right tool at hand.
Successful VOXR customers (excerpt):
VOXR unites everything that modern meetings need,
at a single Online link:
Info guide: All information simply on the mobile phones!
- No more cardboard conference folder
- No more paper agenda, no more flyers, nothing!
- ... and also: no more long preliminary emails! (Instead just a VOXR link in the last mail!)
- Freely configurable, clear information, digital and mobile.
- Created in 20min simply everything via Copy/Paste
- Special templates for cards, speakers, etc. already ready!
Votings: Fast, simple, clear
- For brain openers (before presentations), estimation questions, classification votings, feedback and much more.
- Single voting or multiple selection.
- Ratings: 1-6, 1-10, good-medium-bad, etc., pp
- Awards: Voting like in Hollywood: only reveal the winner or winners - no losers and lots of excitement.
- Segmentation (did London voters vote differently than voters from Liverpool?)
Brainstorm with KI: The secure VOXR SMARTCloud
- For brainstorming, expectation queries, brain opener result saving, feedback - or just: wow!
- The only Event Word Cloud that no "bullshit" on the wall brings.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) for safety and best cloud quality.
- Live translation of entries from 137 languages possible.
- Unique technology, internationally award-winning.
video is in german, but you get a glance...
Silence (or "voted") Questions to Speaker stop chatterboxes
- No more chatterboxes or embarrassing silence.
- Collect questions from participants during presentations.
- Easy to collect Silent Questions or with the possibility to Liken ("up-voting") with Voted Questions.
- Auto topic finder helps sorting.
- Live translation of inputs from 137 languages possible.
Additionally: Award winning SMART Q&A thrilled with
Panel discussions and Works meetings
- Internationally award-winning audience-questions-method especially for panel discussions or "Ask your CEO"etc.
- AI finds the toptopics in all inputs. Question selection becomes extremely easy.
- Highest appreciation for participants "My Subject was also shown" (even if it was not answered)
- Live translation of entries from 137 languages possible.
- Details under VOXR SMART Questions.
Interaction in Workshops - separately, but under only one link!
- Also in Interactive workshops - independent and autonomous.
- Participants do not need a new session code or similar.
- Participants change the room by clicking in the tool.
- Interaction so also with workshops with more than 10 participants problem-free and digitally elegant.
From workshops Collect results for the plenary.
- Summarize Workshop-Learnings digitally: "What did you take away from your workshop?"
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) automatically summarizes topics sorted by workshop: At a glance: What was going on in every workshop!
- Show the entire learning or zoom into individual workshops Pinboard pushing Adé!
- Documentation Send single messages and/or word clouds to workshop leaders, next day, everything is ready!
Not sure how Q&A, voting and meeting info fits for YOUR event?
Let us advise you. Free of charge.
More? VOXR also makes new conference formats easy:
Co-planning (without "Make a wish")
Marketplace / Gallery
Project / Start-up Pitching
World-Café without poster salad
Bar Camp / Live Topic Planning
Audience Awards - Winners Only!
... and always all functional areas under ONE link.
Online. Without download.
Design: Your event success at the centre:
Simplicity: The No. 1 design principle
Focus: The VOXR Focus Design
Flexibility: Branding in your CI, colour tone, logo
Speed and safety: design follows function
Safety for function and data
Functional safety + handling
Data security + data protection
There you go: With only 4 buttons your meeting becomes modern!
VOXR Interaction is 100% online. No download, no "Session Code", no registration. Just a simple link for the participants.
Also the Control is 100% online - They call you from your phone, tablet or desktop.
And with four simple buttons (see picture) you have everything clearly under control at all times!
VOXR: Leading for business events. For five years.
None app.
No download. Simply online.
data protection from Germany,
incl. GDPR
Innovation leader:
Repeatedly award-winning
in D, CH and UK.
Own branding: Everything with your CI, your logo and in your colours.
Feedback - that's what others say:
Head of Strategy Realization Office
Project leader
Bayer, Occupational & Environment Protection
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Development Biopharma
VOXR - awared winning at:
Clarity, focus and participation: Start here!