
VOXR increases the ROI of business events. Simple.

Leadership-, management- and sales conferences, annual meetings and townhalls:

Business events are always a huge investment: preparation time, technology, location, absence, travel expenses, etc.

VOXR helps to simply get more out of the investment for your business event:

Volkswagen Group Fleet International

We learned about VOXR's capabilities as part of our yearly volume car dealer congress. The tool enabled us to visualize the outcomes of our three different workshops in a very nifty and concise way, which received numerous specific positive mentions in our after-show feedback questionnaire. VOXR also enabled us to transfer the workshop outcomes in a very clear and visual way around the organization. Having made this experience we have already decided to use VOXR in a forthcoming training series too and are looking forward to the feedback to this new way of interaction in this series as well!

Alexander Thill Manager, Group Fleet International

The use of Cloud Q&A has really paid off.

The VOXR WordCloud Algorithm is really fascinating.

The VOXR way of making visible instantly and at a glance what kind of input the audience is looking for in any given moment, is a true innovation.

It certainly helps me as the speaker to easily tune in to my listeners' interestes, thus being more effective.

Using VOXR is an absolutely worthwile investment.

Rolf Schumann CTO EMEA

We appreciated the professional guidance

We weren't sure whether we could learn the tool so quickly, but now we can say: VOXR is really something anyone can do. We also appreciated the professional guidance from your interaction consultants. Your tips for selecting effective questions were also very helpful, a great support, thank you very much for your support!

Simone Böpple Chemical & Pharmaceutical Development Biopharma