{"id":6882,"date":"2019-02-12T05:44:47","date_gmt":"2019-02-12T04:44:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/voxr.org\/en\/voxr-sessions\/"},"modified":"2019-12-05T16:44:52","modified_gmt":"2019-12-05T15:44:52","slug":"sessions","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/voxr.org\/en\/sessions\/","title":{"rendered":"VOXR Sessions"},"content":{"rendered":"


\u200bVOXR Sessions (+ Groups!)<\/strong>Use VOXR \u200bin workshops. \u200b<\/strong><\/span><\/h1>\n

If you divide the group – and also want to use VOXR in subgroups: No problem!\u200b<\/strong><\/p>\n

It’s a classic problem:The \u200b\u200bwhole audience is divided into breakout sessions \/ workshops \/ working groups. VOXR offers two solutions<\/strong> for typical \u200buse cases.<\/p>\n

\u200bA typical workshop:<\/p>\n


\u200bUse case 1: VOXR Sessions – \u200buse VOXR in different workshops independently\u200b<\/strong><\/p>\n

You want to voxr within the workshops \u200bseparately from the other workshops.<\/strong>This can be done with \u200bseparate VOXRs for the subrooms. These are already included in \u200bevery pricing package – let us know, we will activate the sessions for you!<\/strong><\/p>\n

\u200bSie k\u00f6nnen die VOXR auch selbst verwalten, allerdings m\u00fcssen Sie am Ende ja dennoch unabh\u00e4ngig voneinander in unterschiedlichen R\u00e4umen betrieben werden, daher empfiehlt es sich, die Trennung schon fr\u00fchzeitig im Projekt zu vollziehen.<\/strong><\/p>\n

So sch\u00f6n die Funktion “Sessions” klingt, birgt sie aber auch einen kleinen…<\/p>\n

Advantage:<\/strong>You can set up the workshops like real small events of their own.This means that you simply delegate the preparations completely to the workshop leader there<\/strong> (or, for larger congresses or the like, you install a “room manager”).You can also manage the VOXRs yourself, but at the end of the day you will still have to work independently in different rooms, so it is advisable to separate them early on in the project.As nice as the “Sessions” function sounds, it also contains a small…<\/p>\n

VOXR Sessions: \u200b\u200buse VOXR in every room independently<\/p>\n


\u200bDisadvantage: <\/strong>You MUST also regard the rooms as own events. If you want to be independently interactive in the rooms\u200b, you logically also need independent operators for the VOXRs (these can also be \u200bfacilitators of the rooms, but you need several if you have several rooms). Logically, you also need your own \u200btechnology<\/strong> for \u200bshowing the results, which in turn means: \u200ba computer on the network, etc. in each room.<\/strong> Everything you set up for the main room.<\/p>\n

\u200b<\/strong>\u200bSince workshops are often \u200bshort (45min) and the main interest often is the summary, and not so much individual results from the workshops, VOXR has an exciting (and unique!) alternative in the \u200brange:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n

\u200bUse case 2: VOXR Groups – \u200bSummarise the results of the workshops \u200bin one place<\/strong><\/p>\n


\u200bUnique:\u00a0<\/strong>not only can you make independent<\/em> SESSIONS with VOXR, but you can also make the workshops extremely interactive from one single central VOXR<\/em> – and even more: With the GROUPS function, you can \u200bsummarise workshops more easily than ever before.<\/strong><\/p>\n

\u200b\u200bAnd this is how it works:<\/strong><\/p>\n